02 - About us


The Kukum SSEC Church is tasked with a very simple vision: to build a vibrant generation and advance the Gospel to change lives. However, there are multiple barriers to this vision.

As we reflect on our recent past, we recognize the many difficulties that have challenged us under various leaderships of our church. Despite these challenges, we are encouraged by the words of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV): “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Through these challenges and our dependence on our Lord Jesus Christ, we are directed towards the vision God has for His church.

The Bible asserts in Proverbs 29:18 (KJV), “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” This implies that we, the people, are destroyed when we lack vision—divine revelation and prophetic insight—and do not align with or submit to God's written Word. As true believers in Jesus Christ, we need to be guided by the revelation of God through the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to illuminate the Written Word for the times and seasons we face, and to obey His Word. With this newfound vision derived from the Word of God and through much pray, we firmly believe that we have finally reached our new beginning. We will continue to help people fully understand their purpose and destiny as believers in Jesus Christ. We strongly believe in what the Word of the Lord is saying to us through our vision and our role within the grand scheme of the South Seas Evangelical Church, and we are fully committed to SSEC's overall mission and vision.

God gave the vision to the leaders of Kukum SSEC in February 2013. This vision emerged when a small group of believers gathered to pray and seek God’s direction for His church. The presence of God was very powerful among us; we knew then that God had called this church into a new dimension of life.

For the next few weeks, our worship services, prayer meetings, and Bible studies were held in the old L-shaped building we used for worship (now demolished). Although this was not the most appropriate or convenient space for church services, we cherished the presence of God in those moments. God assured us by His Spirit that we were in His will and that He would arise us in His own way.

We have now temporarily relocated our place of worship to the old church slab and demolished the L-shaped building to accommodate a new church hall. The Kukum SSEC Kindergarten school has also been relocated to allow for more students, with new playgrounds constructed for their enjoyment.

As we continue to step into the destiny and purpose that God has planned for this church, we are fully aware that we will face many new challenges to this vision. However, we trust God, and through His Word, we will overcome these challenges. Therefore, with the fire of God burning within us, we will seek to fulfill our mandate to raise sons for the Kingdom of God.

To keep the fire burning, we have daily programs in which church members engage. We invite you to join us and be a part of the body of Christ. Amen.

Day Program Time
Monday Prayer night 7pm to 9pm
Tuesday Monthly Church board meeting 6pm to 7:30pm
Wednesday Family fellowship -
Thursday Womens Ministry -
Friday Youth night 7:30pm to 9pm
Saturday Church cleanup and Musician practise -
Sunday Coporate worship 10am to 12pm